
  • V.T. Hayrapetyan Shushi branch of the Armenian National Agrarian University
  • M.K. Harutynyan Russian-Armenian (Slavonoic) University
  • E.G. Yavruyan Russian-Armenian (Slavonoic) University




Artsakh, Common Bent-Wing Bat, hidihg place, cave, activity, ecology, fauna


The paper presents the data obtained as a result of long-term studies of the common bentwing bat (Miniopterus schreibersi (Khul, 1819)) in the Republic of Artsakh. Data on ecology, biology and activity of these animals are given, special attention was paid to the population inhabiting the Azokh cave. In addition, the sex ratio in different populations was studied, and the average life span of these bats was also determined.



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