
  • E.Yu. Maslovskaya Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS
  • V.A. Nesterenko Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS



shrews, Sorex, underyearlings, taxocene, quantitative dynamics, Sakhalin


Such a mechanism of regulation as breeding of shrew underyearlings has been considered on the example of two shrew taxocenes on Sakhalin Island. The necessity of the separation of sexually mature young females, ready to breed on and entered into reproduction has been demonstrated. Participation in reproduction of shrews in the year of their birth was observed for all common species of the taxocene considered. For secondary species data were obtained only on regular sexual maturity of individuals in this age group. It was found that the sexual maturation of young females depends on the level of shrew number, and their entry into reproduction – on taxocene structure that is being formed in the given year.



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