
  • E.Yu. Afonina Laboratory of aquatic ecosystem. Institute of Natural resources, ecology and kryology SB RAS



zooplankton, species composition, structure, small lakes, the Upper Amur basin


Small lakes are a special type of habitat with characteristic specific conditions. Due to the multiplicity and characteristics diversity of the ecological capacity small water bodies are less studied than larger lakes. In order for biodiversity conservation was inventoried of plankton invertebrates in the small lakes of the Upper Amur basin. 136 species and subspecies belonging to 69 genera, 32 families, 10 orders are noted in zooplankton. Rotifera species list contains 73 taxa, Cladocera – 35, Copepoda – 27 and Anostraca – 1. Families Brachionidae, Trichocercidae, Synchaetidae, Euchlanidae, Daphniidae, Chydoridae, Diaptomidae, Cyclopidae have the highest number of species. Plankton fauna of small lakes is highly species-specific.



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