
  • T.I. Mukhina Department of biodiversity and marine bioresourses, Far Eastern Federal University



tomato, roots, root-knot nematodes, greenhouses, esophageal glands, variability, anomalies, males, intersex


In 1998 unusual cyst nematodes were found in the roots of tomatoes in greenhouses of village Lermontovka (Poronaisk district of Sakhalin). Morphology of this Meloidogyne sp. differs from all known species of the genus. The variability of the studied specimens is described. Most females have six developed esophageal glands, rather than three (typical state for the genus). Among the numerous males the specimens with anomalies of reproductive system were found. Most of males were intersexes .



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Carneiro R.M.D.G., Santos M.F.A., Almeida M.R.A., Mota F.C., Gomes A.C.M.M., Tigano M.S. 2008. Diversity of Meloidogyne arenaria using morphological, cytological and molecular approach. Nematology. Vol. 10(6). P. 819-834.

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Elmilygy I.A., 1968. Three new species of the genus Meloidigyne Goeldi, 1887 (Nematoda: Heteroderidae). Nematologica. Vol. № 4. P. 577-590.

Humphreys-Pereira D.A., Elling A.A., 2014. Morphological variability in second-stage juveniles and males of Meloidogyne chitwoodi. Nematology. Vol. 16. P. 149-162.

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Kumar A.C., 1984. Resistance in coffee to Meloidogyne spp. and occurrence of intersexes M. thamesi. Nematologica. Vol. 30. P. 108-110.

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Siddiqi M.R., 2000. Tylenchida. Parasites of plants and insects. 2nd Edition. Sant Albans, Common. Agric. Bereaux. 848 p.

Triantaphyllou A.C., 1961. Sex determination in Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood 1949 and intersexuality in M. javanica (Treub, 1885) Chitwood, 1949. Annales de l'Institut Phytopathologique Benaki. Vol. 3 No. 1. P. 12-31.

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