
  • M.F. Biserov Bureinsky State Nature Reserve
  • E.A. Medvedeva Bureinsky State Nature Reserve



Bureya upland, Dusse-Alin ridge, subgoltsy fir groves, bird population, vegetation, avifauna, boreal zone


The comparative analysis of bird population was carried out between two ecosystems in the subgoltsy fir groves (the top part of boreal-forest belt): 1) the subgoltsy fir groves with participation of larch (Larix cajanderi), and 2) subgoltsy fir groves with participation of stone birch (Betula lanata). Faunistic and ecological groups, including vertical stratification of birds, were considered. Index of similarity of the bird population in the two ecosystems was defined by Naumov’s formula (38.7%). In both ecosystems the birds of Siberian faunistic group dominated absolutely, and among vertical groups the birds restricted to the canopy and shrub layer prevailed. The fir groves of the second type (with participation of stone birch) have bigger importance in distribution of birds belonging to Chinese faunistic group. In the fir groves with participation of larch the ratio of birds that occupy the canopy and that restricted to the shrub layer is almost equal, whereas in the fir groves with stone birch the share of canopy species considerably exceed the share of inhabitants of underbrush. The situation is connected with an elimination of some typical taiga species from the shrub layer group (Siberian Grouse, Hazel Grouse, Black-billed Capercaillie, Chestnut Bunting), that are replaced by the species of Chinese avifauna: Siberian Rubythroat, Dusky Warbler, Radde's Willow Warbler, together with widespread Grey Wagtail.


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