
  • V.A. Nesterenko Institute of Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS
  • E.Yu. Loktionova Institute of Biology and Soil Science FEB RAS
  • O.A. Burkovsky Far Eastern Federal University



Shrews, Soricidae, Sorex, taxocene, dominance structure, Sakhalin


According to the results of monitoring the model shrew community in the central part of Sakhalin Island in 2009–2013, patterns of its structure transformation were considered. The shrew taxocene consists of six Sorex species, three of which (S. unguiculatus, S. caecutiens and S. gracillimus) form a taxocene core and the share of these species is always greater than 80%. Quantitative dynamics of the taxocene integrally varies depending on the fluctuations of three common species population density, each of one has specific character. Two consistent patterns of taxocene structure were revealed: monodominant, when only one common species dominates and didominant, when two species in one or another combination prevail. Cyclical transformation of shrew taxocene structure, occurring due to synchronization of changes of quantitative parameters of populations of closely related species, provides stability of taxocene as a whole.


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