Noctuoidea, Noctuidae, noctuid moths, coniferous-deciduous forest zone, Upper and Middle Amur, zoogeography, faunal boundariesAbstract
The faunal boundaries of Noctuid moths within the zone of mixed coniferous-deciduous forests of Upper and Middle Amur (Amurskaya oblast, Khabarovskii Krai, Russia) are discussed. 4 faunal boundary lines are established by the data on the distribution of noctuid species. Middle Zeya boundary is the strongest with 24% effectiveness; 103 nemoral and forest-steppe species do not cross the boundary in their distribution to the north. The second strongest is Lower Bureya boundary (17% effectiveness), which limits the distribution of 53 nemoral species to the west. Lesser Khingan boundary (7%) and Lower Zeya boundary (9%) are less effective.
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