
  • S.K. Korb Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division of RAS
  • B.V. Stradomsky Institute of Arid Zones, Southern Science Centre of RAS
  • G.V. Kuznetsov



checkerspot butterflies, Melitaea ornata, systematics, molecular investigations, new subspecies


Molecular methods have shown that the North Tian-Shan territory is inhabited by only one species Melitaea ornata Christoph, 1893; M. phoebe (Goeze, 1779) is not recorded from the North Tian-Shan. Two new subspecies of M. ornata are described: M. o. adversaria ssp.n. with the type locality «Kirghizia, Kirghiz Mts., Ala-Too settlement vicinity, 1100 – 1200 m» and M. o. reliquiae ssp.n. with the type locality «Russia, Volgograd Prov., Olkhovsky distr., Kamenny Brod». It is shown that the age of these M. ornata subspecies is about 100.000 years.


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