
  • A.Yu. Oleynikov Institute of aquatic and ecological problems Far East Branch Russian Academy of Sciences
  • S.S. Makeev FSI "Sakhalinrybvod"
  • T. Murakami Shiretoko Museum



otter, Lutra lutra, reintroduction, Hokkaido, Sakhalin


Otter disappeared in Japan in the 20th century due to human activities. The last contacts with otters were registered on the Hokkaido Island and Russian Southern Kuril Islands in 1950s. Project of otter reintroduction was initiated in the Shiretoko National Park in northern Hokkaido, with the support of public environmental organizations in 2012. Otters do not bring significant harm to fish farming. At the same time, otter is a biological meliorator, eating low-value fish predators for juvenile salmon. Otter’s reintroduction can be carried out in Hokkaido, using any population from the south of the Far East of Russia as a donor. But livetrapping of otters preferable in Sakhalin Island, as it has a close ecological condition.


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