
  • M.F. Biserov Bureinsky State Nature Reserve
  • E.A. Medvedeva Bureinsky State Nature Reserve



Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Ficedula zanthopygia, Bureinsky uplands, distribution, habitats, number, molt, migrations: spring and autumn


The Yellow-rumped Flycatcher is distributed in Priamurye to the North up to 53°NL, and in Bureinsky uplands up to 51°07’ by NL. In the subboreal zone of uplands it gets into mountains not higher than 200-250 m a.s.l., and in the boreal – to 450-500 m a.s.l. Migrations in all the areas of uplands happen approximately at the same time: the spring one – in mid or late May, the autumn one – in the second decade of August. In the subboreal zone of uplands (southeast part) the highest number is observed in the broad-leaved and mixed woods. In the boreal zone of uplands the highest number is observed in an anthropogenous landscape of internal areas in the secondary slope woods. Look number in the northern part of the geographic range (Priamurye) is higher, than in its southern part (Primorye). The northern border of the range is characterized by the overlap of initial stages of a post-nuptial molt with the period of feeding of nested baby birds. The beginning of a post-juvenile molt is shifted, apparently, for later term. The penetration into internal areas of uplands which is observed in the last 80-100 years is the consequence of the current climatic changes as well as the anthropogenous transformation of the environment.


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