
  • A.N. Streltzov Department of Biology, Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University




Pyraloidea, Pyralidae, Galleriinae, Pyralinae, Epipaschiinae, fauna, Amur-Zeya interfluve, Russian Far East


14 species of pyralid moths (Pyralidae) from the subfamilies Galleriinae (4 species of 4 genera), Pyralinae (9 species of 7 genera) and Epipaschiinae (1 species) are reported from the territory of the southern Amur-Zeya interfluve plain. 6 species inhabit the nemoral forests of Amur River basin, 4 species have Transpalaearctic, Eurasian or Pan-Asian ranges, and 4 species are distributed worldwide. Several species reach the north-western limits of range in the study area, and the record of Teliphasa elegans is the northwestern-most for the entire subfamily Epipaschiinae in the Palearctic. Most of the species of this local fauna belong to the summer phenological group, and inhabit mainly forest or man-made habitats. All listed species are illustrated.


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