
  • M. G. Sergeev Novosibirsk State University, Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals
  • - Jirong Xinjiang Normal University
  • V. M. Murav’eva Gorno-Altaisk State University
  • N. E. Hudiakova Gorno-Altaisk State University




Orthoptera, diversity, distribution, Altay Mts.


At least 124 species of Orthoptera inhabit the Altay Mts. 6 of them are endemics of these mountains. An analysis of species distribution shows that the northern, western and central parts of this territory are inhabited by species more or less widely distributed either in the Palaearctic or in the steppe zone of Palaearctic. The southern Altay (mainly in Kazakhstan, between the Bukhtarma and Kaba Rivers) and the southeastern Altay are characterized by occurrence of some semi-desert and desert species associated with the adjacent territories of Kazakhstan (in the southern Altay) or Mongolia (in the southeastern Altay). The orthopteran insects of the northeastern Altay are widely distributed in the Palaeartic, especially through its boreal territory.  The Mongol Altay (the huge southern part of the mountains) is not similar to other parts of Altay. There are a lot of desert Orthoptera associated with both the Turanian deserts and Gobi. This means that the northeastern Altay should be included in the Eurosiberian Subregion and the Mongol Altay is the part of the Saharan-Gobian Subregion.


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