
  • N.G. Li Institute for biological problems of cryolithozone SD RAS



Upis ceramboides, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, cold hardiness potential, Yakutia


Ability of Upis ceramboides imago was studied to be resisted to the different ranges of freezing temperatures during hot summer period in Yakutia . It was shown that Upis ceramboides are tolerant to multiply cycles of freezing-thawing at their SCP (supercooling point) and even more, they survived over at least three cycles of freezing-thawing at –15....–17°C, if they were pre-incubated during 14 days at +4°C before laboratory testing. According to the study, one of the reasons of elevating of the insect resistance to such temperature conditions is a deep cleansing of body from occasional ice nucleators appearing in the intestine. It is suggested that in the case of summer frost, the cold tolerance of these species would be based on gut clearing.


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