
  • D.V. Solovyeva Institute of Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS
  • S.L. Vartanayan North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute FEB RAS
  • N. I-F. Vartanayan



Scaly-sided merganser, Mergus squamatus, artificial nests, logged and un-logged habitats, tubes and boxes


Habitat degradation due to deforestation of riverine forest could be compensated with artificial nest-sites for cavity-nesting ducks. Occupation of artificial sites by Scaly-sided Merganser differed significantly between logged and un-logged river banks. This paper details construction of nest tube for Scaly-sided Merganser, rate of destruction for nestboxes and nest-tubes and recommendations for artificial nest maintenance. Two types of artificial nests (tubes and boxes) are of equal attractiveness to Scaly-sided Mergansers: occupation of tubes (13%) did not differ from boxes (12,5%). Significant difference in occupation by Scaly-sided Merganser was found for the first versus following years site existence with lower occupation rate the first year. Pest species used artificial nest in Primorye, Far East Russia, are listed.


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