
  • A. A. Legalov Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animal, Laboratory of Phylogeny and Faunogenesis




Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Ithyceridae, Carinae, new genus, key, Australia


New genus Crowsonicar Legalov, gen. nov. (type species: Car pini Lea, 1911) of the tribe Carini is a relative to the genus Car Blackburn, 1897, differing by the mandibles without second lateral tooth, body with long semi-erect setae, shallow elytral striae, thick and long oblique setae on the exterior apical margin of tibiae. A new combination Crowsonicar pini (Lea, 1911), comb. nov. is established. A list of the recent Carinae taxa is supplied, with a key to the species.


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