
  • A. A. Legalov Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Zoological Museum



Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae, Kytorhinus, new subgenera, new synonyms, types


The list of Kytorhinus species is made. Three subgenera are distinguished within the genus. Subgeneral status is given to Pygobruchus Sharp, 1886, stat.n.. New subgenus Kytorhinoides Legalov, subgen.n. (type species: Kytorhinus thermopsis Motschulsky, 1874) is described. New synonyms Mylabris prolixus Fall, 1926, syn.n., Kytorhinus obscurus Lukjanovitch et Ter-Minassian, 1957, syn.n., K. lygaeus Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1974, syn.n., K. zherikhini Egorov, 1996, syn.n. and K. kerzhneri Egorov, 1996, syn.n. for Kytorhinus pectinicornis Melichar, 1912 are established.


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