
  • P. V. Tuzovskij Institute for Biology of Inland waters, Russian Academy of Sciences



Halacaridae, Soldanellonyx biwaensis, water mites, new species, female, Biwa lake, Japan, description


A new water mite species, Soldanellonyx biwaensis (Acari: Halacaridae), collected in Biwa Lake, Japan is described. This species is characterized by the following features: genital flaps with five setae each, genital acetabula located on genital plate and soft integument behind genital field, telofemur of leg I with two long sword-like setae and one short ventroproximal spine, claws of leg I with 12–14 teeth, dorsal margins of P-3 and its ventral peg-like seta subequal in length.


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