Number of wild ungulates in the Ussuriyskiy Nature Reserve and neighboring hunting grounds based on the results of aerial surveys


  • Timofei A. Petrov Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Environmental Protection (Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘VNII Ekologiya’)
  • Yury A. Darman Pacific Institute of Geography of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Viktor B. Storozhuk Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Joint Directorate of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve “Kedrovaya Pad” and the National Park “Land of the Leopard” named after N. N. Vorontsov (Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Land of the Leopard’)
  • Aleksey S. Titov Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Joint Directorate of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve “Kedrovaya Pad” and the National Park “Land of the Leopard” named after N. N. Vorontsov (Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Land of the Leopard’)



sika deer, roe deer, red deer, wild boar, aerial survey


On February 15, 2023, the first aerial survey of wild ungulates was conducted in the area of the planned reintroduction and resettlement of the Far Eastern leopard. The boundaries of the survey area were based on the habitat suitability for tiger and leopard. On the area of 288.7 thousand hectares, including the Ussuriyskiy Nature Reserve and neighboring hunting grounds, 1 route with a total length of 286 km was designed. There were 142 sika deer, 32 roe deer, 14 red deer and 13 wild boars. The number of sika deer amounted to 5.4–5.5 thousand with an average density of 19.0–19.3 individuals/1,000 ha, 60% of the population was counted in the Orlinoe Federal State hunting ground. The roe deer population is 1.1–1.2 thousand with an average density of 3.7–4.1 individuals/1,000 ha. Visual registration of roe deer is difficult in coniferous forests. In total, we recorded a total of 514–548 red deer individuals (1.8–1.9 individuals/1,000 ha). In spruce-fir forests the density of the species reached 7.1 individuals/1,000 ha. The minimum number of wild boars was 772–605 individuals at a density of 2.7–2.1 individuals/1,000 ha. The wild boar population may have been affected by the African swine fever epizootic. The total population of wild ungulates in the area of the planned reintroduction of the Far Eastern leopard is 7846–7921 individuals at a density of 27.2–27.4 individuals/1,000 ha.



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