
  • V.V. Anikin Saratov State University



casebearer moths, Coleophoridae, fauna, Far East, Priamurie


During the work with collection materials of entomologists from the Far East we summarized the information of the casebearer moths family – Coleophoridae. In total for the Priamurie 51 species were identified of which 5 species are noted for the first time in the Far East and 4 species – in the Asian part of Russia.


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Аникин В.В., 2011. К фауне молей-чехлоносок (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) Забайкалья // Энтомол. и паразитол. исследования в Поволжье. Саратов, изд-во Саратовского госуниверситета. Вып. 9. С. 51-55. [Anikin V.V., 2011. To the casebearer (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) moths fauna of Transbaikal. Entomological and parasitological researches in Povolzhye. Saratov: Saratov University. Issue 9. pp. 51-55. (In Russian].

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